New Client
A lawyer in Fort Worth, Texas opened his own office right after successfully passing the bar exam. Sitting idly at his desk, his
secretary announced that a Mr. Baker was there to see him. He told his secretary to show him right in.
Thinking that it was a new client he wanted to make a good impression. As Mr. Baker was entering his
office, the lawyer picked up the phone and yelled into it…”Absolutely not! You tell them I will not settle this
case for less than five hundred thousand dollars. Don’t bother me again until that amount has been
agreed to!”
Slamming the phone down, he greeted Mr. Baker saying, “How do you do Mr. Baker. What can I do to
help you?”
Mr. Baker replied, “Hi, I’m from the phone company. I’m here to connect your phone.”
Williams, McClure & Parmelee is dedicated to high quality legal representation of businesses and insurance companies in a variety of matters. We are experienced Texas civil litigation attorneys based in Fort Worth who know Texas courts and Texas law. For more information, please contact the law firm at 817-335-8800. The firm’s new office location is 5601 Bridge Street, Suite 300, Fort Worth, Texas 76112.